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Urban Band-Aids MEDELLIN

Temporary intervention in public space placing band-aids on a "wounded" city. A funny mix between the "Watch Your Step" project and the proposal Curativos Urbanos by the Bela Rua collective.

October / 2.017


This activity was part of the academic agenda developed during the "1st Latin American Pedestrian Forum" in the city of Medellín organized by Fundapeatón - En los Zapatos del Peatón.


A "Tactic to Pay Attention" with the students of the Kennedy Educational Institution and the Picachito School Section.


An urban exploration to recognize the school environment and discover what is not visible to the naked eye.


"Tactics to Pay Attention" is a series of workshops that explore the city's public space through walking tours. These are pedagogical actions that, in a playful way, allow the citizens to discover a city that could be different.


#UrbanPedagogy #PedestrianMobility #PublicSpace

#UrbanCare #ChildhoodCities


This project is part of the Red OCARA (Latin American Network of experiences and projects of the city, architecture, public space, and urban mobility) which develops the subproject OCARA Lab, an urban laboratory format EOR (Open Educational Resources / Free Educational Resources on-line), replicating creative experiences applicable in all urban realities.


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