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Scavenger Hunts #02

Urban walks with children and adults to find the treasures that are hidden in the city.

January / 2.019


A walk through the city that offers small learning moments with every step. Everyday situations that we cannot see with the naked eye.


Through various activities, it proposes to find some "hidden city treasures": shapes, colors, sidewalk and building details, city corners...


Children and adults reflect on our relationship with the city, both tangible and intangible. 


What is a CITY? How do we inhabit it, enjoy it, experience it, and most importantly, understand it and make it our own? 

What is TREASURE? Seemingly mundane objects (that we become fond of), as well as experiences and memories (associated with places that move us)...and therefore, if we love them, we CARE. 


A family activity, an experience to be shared, to be surprised together, a TREASURE to be remembered.

In addition to this activity is the #BitácoradePaseo, the new OcaraLAB by Aldo González Barrera in the red OCARA.


The Scavenger Hunts is part of "Tactics to Pay Attention", a series of workshops that explore the city's public space through walking tours. These are pedagogical actions that, in a playful way, allow the citizens to discover a city that could be different.


This was part of the summer workshops offered by the Libro de Oro bookstore.

It was held together with Arch. Pablo "Pepe" Gutierrez.










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